Dating is tougher in some cities than others. If you’ve ever complained about the San Francisco dating scene, you’re not alone! Here’s what makes dating in San Francisco so uniquely frustrating.
Are You Shooting Your Dating Life in the Foot--or Worse?!
The Right Way to Say, “I’m Sorry.”
In relationship it’s inevitable that we’ll step on each other’s toes and have different needs that conflict. And it’s likely we’ll want or need different things at the same time. When this happens, the situation is ripe for conflict, hurt and disappointment. So, when the dust has settled, how do you repair?
5 Questions That Create Happy Relationships
5 Ways to Soothe Dating Anxiety
Heal From Your Breakup: How Neuroscience Can Help
Breaking Up Sucks! Your heart aches, your thoughts spiral, you don’t want to eat, leave your darkened room. I’ve written a guest blog-post on Medium with other breakup advice, but keep reading for my latest thoughts.
Social Anxiety and West Coast Culture: How does it relate to my dating life?
Can I Have A Great Relationship Even If I Didn't See One Growing Up?
I never met my paternal grandfather so perhaps it warmed my heart a little to see a young boy get to be with his grandfather. And in such a kind and affectionate way, somewhat uncharacteristic of an older generations emotional sophistication. Can I have a great relationship even if I didn't see one growing up?