Can social media affect happiness—for better and, OR, for worse?
You + Social Media = Happiness?
Social media is everywhere nowadays. Whether it’s for personal or professional use, platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are used by millions of people every single day.
As popular as it is, there has been talk around one important question: can social media affect happiness? From the Black Mirror series to the new The Twilight Zone episodes to big screen blockbusters, the most straightforward conclusion is, simply put, yes. But what does recent psychological research tell us about it?
People often assume that social media has negative effects on happiness. In reality, social media can affect happiness both positively and negatively—the key is finding a balance that works best for you and your mental health. Here’s a look at some pros and cons of social media’s effects on your happiness.
Con: Social Media Can Be Addictive
Everybody knows this intuitively already: social media is addictive. We get hooked by it. Even if its just to pick up your phone to see the screen there’s a subtle satisfaction, feeling aware of whatever’s going on or not going on. There are bigger neurotransmitter rewards when engaging in various social media.
Recent research has again shown that social media addiction is real. It also shows that there are effective ways to respond to the somewhat inevitable lure of social media’s effects on our brain and neurochemistry. Dopamine, often referred to as the “pleasure drug” plays and important role in this addictive process, but seems more likely associated with reward and motivation. Treatment included, in part, reflecting on the advantages and disadvantages of social media use.
Pro: Social Media Is Great for Staying Connected with Loved Ones
One of the best aspects of social media is that it allows us to stay connected with our loved ones. Before social media, if we had relatives who lived in another state or country, we really had no way of knowing aspects of their daily lives. Sure, you could talk on the phone from time to time—but otherwise, you probably seldom saw your out-of-town relatives.
Social media has totally revolutionized this concept and made it possible for us to stay readily connected with loved ones every single day. Now, through the likes of Facebook and Instagram, we can see pictures or updates of friends and family on the regular. So when we do see them in person again, it’s as though little time has been lost in between.
Con: People Tend to Overshare on Social Media
A big downside to social media is the fact that people tend to overshare on such platforms. Not only do they overshare about their lives, but the act of doing so online makes people feel more inclined to say hurtful things.
You may also find yourself commonly subjected to news articles about politics, depressing stories, or things that simply make you feel upset. This is unfortunately all too common on social media, and it’s a definite downside.
Pro: Social Media Allows for Exposure and Opportunity
We’re living in an era where being an Instagram influencer is a legitimate, high-paying job—and 10 years ago, this would have been completely dumbfounding.
Regardless of how you feel about influencers, it’s quickly become a very lucrative job. Even those who aren’t necessarily influencers have been able to harness the powerful broadness of Instagram or Twitter to create a platform for their voice. The more people know about you, the more work and social opportunities arise.
Con: Social Media Can Make You Feel Inferior
Arguably the biggest con to social media is the fact that it can make you feel bad about yourself. When there are so many people flaunting wealth and unbelievably good looks, you’re going to feel disappointed about your own life.
It’s important to keep in mind that these pictures aren’t telling the full story. Photos can be tweaked and photoshopped endlessly. Nonetheless, it’s still difficult to see people living such extravagant lives. Worse yet, it can easily make you feel bad about your own.
The Bottom Line…
Ultimately, social media has many pros and cons. It inevitably affects happiness, and all too often, it has a negative impact.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to gain control of your social media use. You can limit the amount of time you spend using it. If there’s one platform in particular that always leaves you feeling down—consider deleting it.
Much of what people flaunt on Instagram isn’t a true glimpse into reality. It’s easy to get drawn in to the glitz and glam of a social media lifestyle. When you feel that happening, take a step back. Take a prolonged break from social media. Remind yourself of the good things that are happening in your life.
Social media can be a blessing and a curse. It’s important to remain mindful and not allow it to affect your happiness negatively, and to harness it for your best life and path forward. If you would like more information about how to better manage the effects of social media in your life, and in particular how to improve your relationships and/or dating life, please contact me today to see how individual and relationship therapy can help change your life.