While the happiest time of the year it may be for some, unfortunately, the holidays can also bring up a lot for many of us. Whether it's visiting family, getting pulled into old roles and dynamics, the stress of traveling or shopping, the pain of isolation and loneliness, or conflict arising in partnerships and families... Here are some tips on how to manage and get through it with a few less bumps and bruises.
Re-pair (Repair) Your Relationship
Why You Shouldn't Wait For Major Problems To Try Couples Therapy
7 Essential Elements of a Healthy Relationship
What Does Your Enneagram Type Have to Do with Your Relationship?
Holiday Stress Survival Guide: 6 Practical Tips for Protecting Your Relationship
The Right Way to Say, “I’m Sorry.”
In relationship it’s inevitable that we’ll step on each other’s toes and have different needs that conflict. And it’s likely we’ll want or need different things at the same time. When this happens, the situation is ripe for conflict, hurt and disappointment. So, when the dust has settled, how do you repair?
5 Questions That Create Happy Relationships
Can I Have A Great Relationship Even If I Didn't See One Growing Up?
I never met my paternal grandfather so perhaps it warmed my heart a little to see a young boy get to be with his grandfather. And in such a kind and affectionate way, somewhat uncharacteristic of an older generations emotional sophistication. Can I have a great relationship even if I didn't see one growing up?